Periva Reusables Tags - FREE TRIAL

Producer: Periva Reusables Ecosystem | Seller: Periva Reusables Ecosystem 


$0.00    ($0.00/ct.)



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Get 10 Periva Reusables Tags to try for free. Shipped worldwide free within 1 business day.

After the free trial, you can order more by going to ‘Periva Reusables Ecosystem’ under ‘seller’ above, and find the product ‘Periva Reusables Tags’.

Periva Tags are circular vinyl stickers, 1.25 inch in diameter, each with a unique QR code, ID number and name. They can be used for easy tracking of reusable items that move around and change possession, via the Periva app and a free business account.

Periva Tags are powered by the Periva Reusables Ecosystem that enables businesses to administer them. To learn more on how it works, go to ‘Periva Reusables Ecosystem’ under seller above, and visit the About tab.

Periva Tags are waterproof, dishwasher safe and have a very strong adhesive enabling them to last a long time on most hard surfaces.

Periva Tags are great for reusable items of all types, including cups, food containers, bottles, cylinders, mailers, boxes, bags and more.

Steps to get started
This is a one-time process of establishing what the Tag is being put on. The Periva mobile app enables you to commission hundreds of Tags within minutes.

Pre-commission: Message Periva Support with details of your uses and your Tags can be pre-commissioned in bulk.

Filling / Restocking
Define which product goes into a container with a Tag. This is needed only for containers that are used for packaging products. Not required for Reusables like beverage cups at coffee shops.

Packaging for Delivery/Pickup/Shipping
Periva Tags assist in automating and eliminating errors in the final step of your ecommerce operation: getting your product to customers.

If you have any questions or issues, please message us by tapping the messaging icon on the bottom right in the Periva app.

Note: Some tags may say ‘Britehoods’ instead of ‘Periva’.

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pieces of plastic trash prevented

miles of shipping prevented

trees saved


Kgs of metal saved

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