Periva Guides

Periva Reusables Tags and Ecosystem: Open Networks 

In Open Networks, Reusables can be exchanged/returned at any ​other participating business, and are unbranded to a specific business.

Examples of the types of businesses for whom Open Network is best include cups at coffee shops, food takeout and delivery containers from restaurants, deli items from grocery stores, warehouse pallets, unbranded reusable mailers and more. The defining characteristic of Open Network is that the containers have no branding of any participating sellers - hence they can be used by any other participating business. 

How Open Network Periva Reusables works for food and beverage establishments:
1. Download the Periva App 

2. Create a business account on Periva, or sign in  
If in the US, it is possible your establishment already has a listing on Periva. Search to find it and tap 'Claim' to own it. 

3. Acquire Periva Tagged Reusables  
Purchase them through a vendor such as Takebacks, or receive them via a grant program in your city (if applicable). 

4. Scan QR codes on new Reusables 
This is a 1 time step to activate new Reusables into your account. On the Periva app, go to Account -> Business dashboard -> Operations -> Commission. Select the type of Reusable container you are commissioning, and then scan the QR codes. You can rapidly scan multiple Tags and commission them in bulk - hundreds in a few minutes. The containers then appear in your Account -> 'Reusables with you' section of the Periva app. 

5. Setup display  
It is advisable that you set up a printed display at your establishment for customer to read and understand how the Reusables Program works, such as the one for Takebacks Cups

6. Setup POS 
Setup the deposit fee stipulated by the Reusables provider into your POS as a product. 

For example, for Takebacks, setup the POS item as 'Takebacks Cup' and set its price at $3. Additional lids, in case a customer needs one, should also be setup at $0.25 each.  

7. Serve in Reusables! 
Offer customers their orders in the Reusables, charging first time participants the above fee. 

You do not need to scan the Reusable at the time of serving. 

However, it is recommended that you suggest to the customer to scan the QR code using their phone, which will lead them to download the Periva app and create an account. After that, every time they get a new Reusable container and scan the code, their environmental impact report on the app will tick up.  

8. Swap/exchange 
When a customer brings back a Reusable, ask them to put them in a dedicated dish bin, and serve their new order in a clean Reusable container. Again, you do not need to scan the Reusable at the time of serving. 

9. Wash, Scan, Stack 
Wash the returned Reusables as you would do your other in store dishes. When dry, go to Account -> Business dashboard -> Operations -> Returns and rapidly scan the QR codes to establish their ownership to your store. Stack the Reusables for serving forthcoming users - and the circular cycle continues. 

10. Returns 
In the rare situation that a customer wants to return a Reusable and get their deposit back, you should honor that, keeping $0.50 as service fee. 

For example, if a customer Returns a Takebacks Cup without exchanging for a new beverage in a clean cup, you need to refund them $2.50, with $.50 as the service fee. 

Benefits of scanning QR codes 
- For both Businesses and Consumers, scanning Periva QR codes on Reusables results in adding to your account's Environmental Impact report. You can see this live report on the 4th main tab on the Periva app. 
- Enables accurate analytics for tracking the lifecycle of containers. 
- From time to time, Periva and its partners may offer certain rewards for Impact milestones achieved. 

In summary, after setup, the way Periva Reusables Tags work in an Open Network is quite simple: Whoever - businesses or consumers - scans the container using the Periva app with an active account becomes the owner of the container, and it appears in their 'Reusables with you' section of the Periva app where the deposit value of the container set up by the Reusables provider (such as Takebacks) is also indicated. 

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