Still using that old plastic razor that keeps nicking your skin and creating more waste? Now you can elevate your shaving experience and help the earth with our reusable Razor. Crafted from stainless steel, this sustainable staple will give you a smoother, more precise shave. Featuring a sleek, ergonomic design that doubles as beautiful bathroom counter decor. Comes with 5 refill blades and is built to last for years.
This stainless steel Safety Razor is designed for long-lasting durability and performance. Its ergonomic handle ensures a steady grip, allowing for precise results. Its single-blade design provides a smooth shave while reducing the risk of irritation and nicks.
Available in Black, Rose Gold, Green, and White
Includes: (1) Double-sided Razor, (5) Refill blades
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pieces of plastic trash prevented
miles of shipping prevented