Sustainable living:
Easy, verified, measurable
Free shipping, always.
The ‘eco-friendly’ label is everywhere these days
Some of it is real ...
A lot of it hoggreenwash ...
Almost all of it is unverified & unmeasurable
It’s not just about manufacturing and packaging
It’s also about how a product will be used, reused/refilled, what it replaces, and how will it be disposed: aspects of sustainability that are often ignored.
Welcome to
Zinspo (zero-waste inspired) brings you a wide range of environmentally sustainable home products - each verified, and measurably adding to your Britehoods impact numbers.
Environmental analysis
You can’t fix what you can’t measure. Each Zinspo product has a detailed lifetime environmental analysis that adds to your Britehoods impact report.
High quality
We carefully select products that combine quality, price and sustainability - resulting in affordable, guiltfree conscious consumption.
Shorter supply-chains
Products on Zinspo are shipped directly by the manufacturer or the distributor. This results in lower prices, lower emissions, and fresher products.
Free shipping, always
No minimums either. The catch - no overnight delivery options. Your order will cruise along to you on the most sustainable method: ground shipping. Plus: volume discount on almost everything - so stock up!
Returns are a giant, quiet environmental killer. Most returns end up in landfill. So why waste resources in even returning an item. If an item doesn’t work as expected, tell us about it (include pictures where applicable) through the Britehoods app, and we’ll send you a refund.
If it still works, but just doesn’t work for you, rent/donate/sell through the Britehoods app.
Contact us
To reach us, simply message us by tapping the Z icon at the bottom right of the screen.
Stay inspired.
Zero-waste inspired.