Organic Toilet Tabs / Antibacterial / Toilet Cleaning

Producer: Zinspo | Seller: Zinspo 


$14.99    ($14.99/ct.)


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Plop one of these in the toilet once a week for a constantly clean and fresh bowl. Better yet, make the kids do it! They’ll love cleaning the toilet! Plop one in the bowl of the toilet and let sit for 10 minutes. Viola!

Think of these as a bath bomb for the loo. Formulated with organic ingredients, we use Organic Tea Tree and Rosemary essential oils to keep things clean and fresh.

Ingredients: Non-GMO citric acid*, aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, tea tree oil*, witch hazel* and rosemary oil*
*certified organic

Comes in a box as pictured with 12 1”x1” tabs.

Shop Info:
We believe that your skin is just as vital as any other organ in your body. Here at Butter Me Up Organics, we like to say, "Don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't put in it." So, on that note, all of our products are completely edible. They may not be so tasty, however, but everything we use is non- toxic premium ingredients. Can you say that about the products you're currently using?

Other Info:
Completely cruelty-free
No sulfates, phthalates or parabens…ever
No synthetic dyes or fragrances
Labels printed on recycled paper from eco-friendly soy-based inks
Completely all-natural and safe
Zero waste company
Mailing packaging upcycled when possible
Everything is made with love <3

***This product has not been approved by the FDA through the individual ingredients. This is not intended to replace the advice of a physician nor is it intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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