Organic Lotion Bar Shea Butter and Coconut Oil

Producer: Zinspo | Seller: Zinspo 


$15.10    ($15.10/ct.)


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This ultra-hydrating lotion bar is perfect for dry, cracked skin. Sliced into a convenient disc shaped bar, you can hold it easily to really work it into those rough places. Perfect for gardeners, construction workers or just tired skin, this bar holds just more hydration than a regular lotion in an easier to handle bar.

Packed with Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Beeswax, this bar is sure to handle the roughest skin. Simply rub onto skin and bar melts slightly at skin temperature. Packed in a protective 4 oz tin for storage.

Shea Butter is naturally rich in Vitamins A, E, and F, as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A and E help to soothe, hydrate, and balance the skin. They also provide skin collagen which assists with wrinkles and other signs of aging. Vitamin F contains essential fatty acids, and helps protect and revitalize damaged skin and hair. Shea Butter is an intense moisturizer for dry skin, and is a wonderful product for revitalizing dull or dry skin on the body or scalp. It promotes skin renewal, increases the circulation, and accelerates wound healing. It is also beneficial for the treatment of many different conditions, such as:
• Dry skin
• Stretch marks
• Itchy skin, skin rashes, Eczema, and Dermatitis
• Sunburn
• Small skin wounds
• Damaged skin
• Rough skin (such as on feet)
• Insect bites
• Muscle aches, fatigue, and tension
• Wrinkles and signs of aging
• Chapped skin from cold weather
• Skin allergies
• Frost bite

In addition, Shea Butter offers a low level of UV protection (approximately SPF-6), and may be incorporated into natural sunscreen recipes. Because of its soothing nature, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects, it is a perfect ingredient to incorporate into your body care recipes and skin care regime. It is also wonderful to use in the summer as a moisturizer before and after sun exposure to reduce possibility of the skin peeling or becoming dried out.

Coconut Oil helps to moisturize skin and delays wrinkles and sagging of skin. Beeswax is an excellent addition to skin care products as it is high in vitamin aA and helps the skin to restore it's natural moisture. It will not clog pores and leaves the skin hydrated and protected.

Other Info:
Completely cruelty-free
No sulfates, phthalates or parabens…ever
No synthetic dyes or fragrances
Printed on recycled paper from soy-based inks
Completely all-natural and safe
Zero waste company
Packaging upcycled when possible
Everything is made with love <3

***This product has not been approved by the FDA though the individual ingredients have. This is not intended to replace the advice of a physician nor is it intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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