All Natural Reusable Food Strainer for Yogurt, Cheese, Nut Milks, Tea, Coffee & More.
Want to make your own homemade nut milks, but don't know where to start? Start your journey with Kiwi Nut Milk Bag.
Smooth nut milks
This food and juice strainer bag has a fine mesh. This means no random bits floating in your delicious drink. You’ll be making great milks, juices, cheeses, and cold-brewed coffee with ease. Most people are surprised just how easy it is to get healthy and delicious result with Kiwi nut milk bags
100% natural unbleached nut milk bag filter for straining nut milk.
Easy to use
This nut milk bag features a fine weave that allows you to strain milk easily.
Handmade with loving attention by Kiwi, a brand you can trust
Super strong fabric lets you twist and squeeze all night long.
Size: 15 inch * 6 inch
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