Lomi transforms almost anything you eat into nutrient-rich plant food. It makes composting cleaner and easier with none of the smell or fruit flies!
Lomi begins by heating and grinding your food waste.
Through the cycle, the sensors measure and control the moisture content and temperature inside while the airflow system provides continuous supply of oxygen.
The airflow system also consists of a proprietary dual-filter design that helps neutralize the odour.
In just 4 hours, Lomi transforms almost anything you eat into nutrient rich plant food so you can feel good about eliminating the food waste your family sends to the landfill.
Product Specifications
Dimensions - 16" W x 13" D x 12” H
Weight - 9 kgs (19-20 lbs)
Capacity - 3 litres
Voltage - 110V North American
Noise level - < 60 dB (same as a dishwasher)
Electricity needs - Eco Express: less than 0.60 kWh
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pieces of plastic trash prevented
miles of shipping prevented