Dead Sea Mud Shampoo Bar

Producer: Zinspo | Seller: Zinspo 


$10.99    ($10.99/ct.)



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Dead Sea Mud Shampoo Bar - a unique shampoo bar created with dead sea mud and pure essential oils of a woodsy nature, the scent includes lavender, cypress, juniper & peppermint essential oils. These oils are great for the skin and help in detoxing.

To ensure the long life of your soap, store the bar in a cool place, out of direct sunlight until you're ready to use it. In your shower, store the bar away from the direct water stream, and out of any standing water.

To get a good lather, swipe the soap bar across your wet hair a few times and lather and scrub. Then rinse.

Shampoo bars work best with soft water, if you do not have soft water, you will need to follow your shampoo with an apple cider rinse. Simply spray a bit of apple cider vinegar all over or use a measuring cup and pour it on.



I tried Heavenly shampoo soap. Wonderful!!! Better than Lush!


Ingredients: coconut oil, palm oil (organic & sustainably harvested), castor oil, wheat germ oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, aloe gel, sodium hydroxide, water, essential oils

***This listing is for one bar that weighs approximately 5.0 - 5.5 oz

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pieces of plastic trash prevented

miles of shipping prevented

trees saved


Kgs of metal saved

Shampoo and conditioner bars are considered more environmentally sustainable than liquid shampoos in bottles for several reasons:

Reduced Plastic Packaging: Shampoo and conditioner bars typically come with minimal or no packaging. In contrast, liquid shampoos are often sold in plastic bottles, contributing to plastic waste. Even when plastic bottles are recyclable, the recycling process consumes energy and resources.

The equivalence of a typical shampoo and conditioner bar to bottles of liquid shampoo or conditioner can vary based on several factors, including the concentration of the shampoo bar, the formulation, and how it is used. However, a general estimate is that one shampoo bar can last as long as four bottles of liquid shampoo.

This estimate assumes that a shampoo or conditioner bar is used efficiently and kept dry between uses to prevent it from dissolving quickly. The actual number can vary depending on individual usage patterns, hair type, and the specific products being compared.

Lower Carbon Footprint in Transportation: Shampoo and conditioner bars are more compact and lightweight compared to liquid products, leading to more efficient transportation. This efficiency translates to a lower carbon footprint, as transporting lighter and smaller products consumes less fuel.

Concentration of Ingredients: Shampoo and conditioner bars are more concentrated than liquid products, which are largely water. This concentration means that a smaller amount of product is needed per wash, resulting in less overall consumption and production of shampoo and conditioner products.

Biodegradable and Natural Ingredients: Many shampoo and conditioner bars are formulated with natural and biodegradable ingredients, reducing the chemical impact on the environment when washed down the drain. However, this can also be true for certain liquid products, so it's important to check the ingredients.

Less Water Usage in Production: The manufacturing process for shampoo and conditioner bars generally requires less water compared to the production of liquid shampoos. This is significant, considering water is a precious resource.

Longer Lasting: Shampoo and conditioner bars can last longer than an equivalent volume of liquid products, reducing the frequency of purchase and the associated environmental impacts of production and transportation.

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