What could be better than a charcoal dental floss that helps to keep both your pearly whites and the environment sparkling clean?
We can probably all agree that much like our planet, our teeth are most attractive when kept clean.
Fortunately with this biodegradable charcoal plastic free dental floss, you’ll have total peace of mind as you responsibly discard this zero waste product! In fact, even the packaging is reusable.
Plus, with a refreshing and invigorating spearmint flavor, you (and your breath!) will enjoy an aromatic uplift with each and every flossing.
Product details:
Length of floss measures up to 100 feet
Lightly spearmint flavored
Bamboo charcoal fiber
Vegan friendly & dentist friendly
Just works! On tight gaps, sensitive gums, and unpleasant breath
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pieces of plastic trash prevented
miles of shipping prevented