So you’ve got a fresh, clean shave. But now it’s time to fight the impending razor burn, the natural way. Similar to our Aftershave Rub, the Aftershave Serum has an extra calming blend of nourishing oils that soothes, prevents redness, and keeps your skin bump-free. Unlike the Aftershave Rub, this Aftershave Serum comes in an oil-like, liquid texture that absorbs into skin.
Aftershave Serum (Duo) - an advanced blend of natural ingredients that relieve irritation caused by shaving. This two-pack serum reduces redness, heals razor burn, and provides lasting hydration for smoother, softer skin. Non-irritating and suitable for sensitive skin. Get your skin looking and feeling healthy right away!
Choose from Naked (unscented), Cedarwood & Tea Tree, Lavender & Tea Tree, Lemongrass & Clove, and Rosemary & Cedarwood.
Includes: (2) Aftershave Serums (1.0 fl oz / 30 mL each)
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pieces of plastic trash prevented
miles of shipping prevented
Packaged in paper, this combination of 2 products saves 2 piece of plastic entering the waste stream.